Final Tribute to 911
As I sit here today watching the final event in the cleanup of Ground Zero
in New York City I am touched by the reverence that is being accorded...
There are no ceremonies of flag waving and patriotism... There is only quite...
A quiet that can only be described as eerie in the center of a teeming
metropolis the size of New York City... It is as if time has stood still for a
short time today, just as time stood still on that fateful day last September...
Certain days and images should be forever etched into the memories of all
Americans... Today is one of those times...

I see men and women of every color standing side by side in peaceful, quite,
respectful harmony to honor all of those that were so brutally taken from us
on that September day, 9-11-01... Men and Women unashamed of the tears
flowing from their eyes... Tears of grief, of sorrow, of anger, of loss, but most
of all tears of respect and resolve... The tears of Americans........
Today in New York City, Americans are doing what Americans have always
done on Memorial Day... Long before Memorial Day became a Monday
of convenience, America has paid tribute to our fallen heroes... Today
in New York City was certainly no exception.. Let us never forget the blood,
sweat, tears, fears, courage and sacrifice, that have happened in the past
and will continue to happen in the future, from the brave Men and Women
of America to guarantee freedom and the pursuit of 'Justice, Life, Liberty
and Peace' in the greates country in the world..