Song Title: Butterfly Kisses by Bob Carlisle

A Little Girl Named Melinda
by Amy Bellemare

Why hello there Melinda Lee Jones
Welcome to the world
The doctor gave mommy her baby
"Here's your beautiful baby girl"

Two years later Melinda has cancer
Mom asks to be the one to tell
But how do you tell your daughter she's dying
When all you want to do is yell

"Soon you'll be with the sun and moon"
Melinda nodded, crying
Mommy was strong - until she heard
"Mommy, why am I dying?"

"Look outside - there's the moon
And you, baby girl, are the sun
And seeing you shine in the sky
Will keep me on the run"

As I took off the necklace
I hold it so she can see
As I put it on her, I said
What once my mommy told me

"When you're scared or feel alone
Hold this and close your eyes
Suddenly, I'll be there
Standing by your side

Six months later she's gotten worse
They say it's a matter of time
Oh, dear Lord, what can she do
How does she say goodbye

One day she enters the hospital
It was a sleepless night again
She wasn't in any way prepared
For the doctor's words just then

"Your daughter almost died this morning
She gave us quite a fright"
Tearfully, he finished
"She won't make it throught the night"

She rushed to the side of her daughter
And whispers as she sleeps
"Don't you dare give up baby girl
Don't you dare leave me...please"

"I have to examine her", the doctor said
"Why don't you get some coffee
"My baby girl is dying", she said
"Not even caffeine can help me"

"I do need air, though", she continued
"So I'll get out of the way"
Next, she found herself in the hall
On her knees to pray

"Please God - she's all I've got
Please - don't take her away
Just let me hold her one more time
Just give more day"

"Let her see the rising sun
And the beautiful shadow it leads
Let me give her loving comfort
Let me be the mom she needs"

"But if it all must end tonight
Let her know I love her
And that she's still my baby girl
There will never be another"

One more day wasn't meant to be
Her baby girl died at age two
The doctor told her, her last words
Were "Mommy...I love you too"

She held her baby girl's hand
As she realized her life was done
She saw a light shine through
She was the sun.

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